“What do you do when you’re not improvising?” you ask?
Let us tell you…


Andrew has really been putting it together as a plucky chap and as an all around "Human type...for all you know." He's really taken to stacking chords of wood "Yea" high and really has grown a great deal of confidence in his ability to make groups of strangers refer to his lower back pain as "The King's Lumbago" and recently lost a fist fight with a Danish parakeet. He also was under the impression he was winning an award for this so...that's awkward...but he'd still like to thank YOUR MOM.


Cassie has been occupying her days honing the art of napping on the couch while perfectly spooning her abnormally-small and overly-affectionate cat.

She still isn’t doing it right.


Pete is currently spending quality time with the many waterways of Oregon in an unsanctioned survey project that will raise the property taxes of riverfront homes that don't supply bathrooms for kayakers. He also really needs to pee.


Jacquelle has been stuck in a karaoke photo booth for 3 weeks trying to figure out how to exit without paying for photos. Please send help, or a friend to take a selfie with her.